
sophie calle

Posted: Friday, 22 February 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: ,

here we go with a little film with and about french artist sophie calle, directed by a very trying ben lewis. funny and interesting. i would like to really recommend it, although it doesn't have this 'somewhat-below-10-minutes-i-can-concentrate-on-length' but is about half an hour. there is even rosalind kraus in it and she explains about mallarmé's thought on books' clefts.
it was refreshing to see and hear calle (presenting herself) as being 'completely accidental' when being so deep whilst in fact having no idea about barthes or derrida or whoever. makes me want to be happy

and did you know that forced entertainment's exquisite pain is actually based on a project by sophie calle? i didn't, but i made the connection nonetheless when in the documentary they quoted from this 'red book' "5 days ago the man i loved left me" and also the red phone. it's strange how such seemingly ordinary things as a sentence of no higher 'quality' than any other or the picture of a red phone got burned into my memory that i was instantly reminded of it again. beautiful. i had seen the production in volksbühne last year or the year before.