
one trollop's gossip

Posted: Sunday, 10 February 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , , ,

so, i have to confess, i am no good at telling sexual orientation. rather bad, really. anyways. came to think of it when speaking about possible job opportunity earlier and then tonight talking to fe about a person who is just delectable and was spotted there where i was.
there have been other people as well (who would have guessed, really, karl improve your dramaturgy):
obviously isabella rossellini who was wearing a rather mother guru like black dress with some white jewelery. dress was not showing figure or if so then not to best advantage... no, but delighted. she was giving interviews. i was watching from above, feeling oscillating between goddess and michel de certeau . wonder if 2 floors is high enough for such action.
anyways she was interviewed by dieter moor and many others, but didn't speak to the assembled people which i guess is alright. she drank water, like myself ( :) ) which was gerolsteiner which i cannot stand. well, then we had the cheap crew, lovely miss vaginal davis
, who, i cannot spare you, spent 10 minutes at the ladies' with make up bag, came back, sat classy in loungy chair, was being pampered and entertained by darling little boys (including the delectable which, obviously, is not telling the whole saga), one of whom came to press make up tissues when performance of cheap for their cheapy award ceremony was due. it's a thing i gave at least three seconds of thought, miss rossellini (have i told you that the green porno was really rather great - she incarnated different male insects and described the sex act of specified insects - great!) came, not too classy i guess, but was surrounded by cameras and even two autograph craving guys, whereas miss davis was the classy madame nana with the tissue thing and lovely guys, too. female classiness knows no boundaries.
anyways, who else. well, scarlett wasn't there which was no pity. enough female classiness with the misses davis, rossellini and little me.
spotted peaches and also guy maddin and jerry tartaglia (which made sense, because he was hosting the jack smith screening later on).
well, so much for the gossip which really is inspired by the lovely gossip studio cheap and the arsenal created in the atrium of sony centre. check it out, it's worth it, really: bar, b_books store (which is just a bookshop to die for (i, personally would rather kill for that specific place, because where'e the fun in being dead in a bookshop?). the buergels could tell you if they would be talking to you), cheap shop, installation art. nice. and you just might meet interesting people. or not.
fe had the nicest hair really. well perhaps apart from the delectable's ones.