
ronja räubertochter

Posted: Sunday, 24 February 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , , ,

i went to my absent flatmate's bookshelf and took away something! without asking. but i will return the lovely tale of ronja räubertochter so that nobody needs to cry. so much is for sure. it was a pleasure reading it, i am not sure if i actually ever did read it when i was younger. i did read pippi langstrumpf though and loved it very much.
well, but i once again, as ronja really, discovered how much brutality is in words and hurt some people i don't even care about by saying that their performance was making me want to go run out of the room and discover the beauty of emesis. in fact, i am sadly lacking the ability to shut my mouth. i realise i should but i don't and hurt and ridicule and embarras. i feel that people who are using an audience as their therapist which they obviously are in need of, are making me aggressive to a very dangerous extent. probably that's something i really can't stand. as well as i can't stand those precocious, arrogant mindfuckers who think they know everything and are in a position to enrich the world with it all the time.

*** or is it just that they are so similar to me?