Whilst in the language of rhetoric, a little like litotes, like extenuation or retinence, a diminution consists in saying less, sure, but with a view to letting more be understood. - But letting thus - and who lets what, lets who, be understood? - one can always speak of diminution by diminution. And, by this henceforth uncatchable stitching, still let rhetoric appropriate the truth of the verdict.
Jacques Derrida
A Silkworm of One's Own (Points of view stitched on the other's veil)

stitching I - rest my heart
pins on canvas
march 2010

stitching II - nie nie nein nie nie der schein trügt nie
glass and pins on canvas
march 2010

stitching III - i act and mute the void
glass, pins and copper on canvas
april 2010
Ich finde ja, dass diese Bilder richtig richtig gut aussehen. Vor allem das mit den Zahnstochern, ich finde die echt genial!
danke. das sind keine zahnstocher. aber wenn du zahnstocher siehst, sind das zahnstocher. :)
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