after a hilarious annual conference on staging festivity sponsored by her ministery in which i absolutely adored achatz von müller
and where yet two other mythical wor(l)d inventions - 'djiddyraven' (me and ruc) and 'agender2010' (ruc and fj) - took place, we (that is ruc and me, now based in an unknown quantity of liquid (slightly alcoholic or(?!?!) somehow bukkake-connected (see below)) watched germany's next topmodel in the huge lecture hall until we were chased away by this immensly muscled security guard in one sexy uniform.
now, to the important facts:
professional favorites (if we were peymann)vanessa
personal favorites (betthäschen)sandra
(bianca, sorry, we forgot her, but she usually turns up and you would not let her go, would you?)
hate O/Abjectscarolin
sabine-marie (berlin breakdancestar fuck off mothafucca - aber zum glück raus)
carolin (bukkake??? see below or - leave her be, she's just another human being, it is really not fair to be hateful towards her! consider justice and misogyny, please. well, she's really bashable. (i learned another nice combination of words - foucault-bashing - which i would never do for the most apparent reasons))
personal (and everbody's) entertainment gina-lisa (personal pornprollqueen with likely potential: short black hair and shutting up and less make-up --> visit boris and redirect him to me afterwards)
sarah (for cinderella's sake ---> she was such an ugly ugly, like, REALLY UGLY child, you know)
personal braindamage
"wie heest die? die mit der heidi-klum-frisur" (the one with the heidiklumhaircut who is not heidi klum, whereas heidi herself could be on that list for personal braindamage. the hebrew word "klum" means "nothing") - aka aline aka "ich bin mit 4,1 durchs abitur gefallen, aber habs im oralen rausgerissen"
asian bukkake machine - only watch when absolutely sure you're sure. that's for the true men amongst us.
isn't that just juicy??
and, incidentally, there is this major thing happening here on bollywoodsargam that linked one schwarzesnossen vid - i am thrilled that we are one featured video.
germany's next topmodel no2 with ruc
my work
projects i am involved in
- karlotta. currently based in jerusalem
- quotation 1*
- finally - how politics may change your sexdrive
- after germany's next topmodel no3
- have i ever actually
- seems like one new bollywoodstar is rising :)
- bande a part - or do your choreography for the sak...
- germany's next topmodel no2 with ruc
- nothing in particular
- where did the wild days go?
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Wenn ich an Giseles Stelle wäre, würde ich jetzt heulen. Sometimes, I can't cope with all these djiddyravenous situations. Und - ich bin nicht sicher, ob du es schon wusstest: Sarah war als Kind echt hässlich, also ich meine richtig, richtig hässlich. Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein!
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