it has happened. you can now never again say that no one placed political ads in phonesexy situations.
please submit a script if you feel like i should audition (there is still this job opportunity i so long to have) and i promise i will be just as good as these two. or even more kinky. how does that sound?
MATURE content following. i am serious.
for obamaists
for the clintonists amongst us
well, the world is a wild place at the moment. don't know where to start. but i really feel that today's news are truly exciting.
Merkel hält historische Rede vor der Knesset
"Die Sicherheit Israels ist nie verhandelbar"
(first fi-li, then angie, then me)
Analyse zum Israel-Besuch von Kanzlerin Merkel
"Eine neue Qualität der Beziehungen"
Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise
US-Notenbank senkt erneut den Leitzins
Interview mit Ifo-Chef Hans-Werner Sinn
"Es muss eine strengere Bankenaufsicht her"
(i would always argue for a strict non-interfering-policy)
Koalitionsverhandlungen in Hamburg
Arbeitsgruppen sollen schwarz-grüne Streitthemen lösen
Arbeitsminister Scholz will BGB ändern
Praktikanten sollen besser geschützt werden
(very likely not going to happen)
Dalai Lama fordert Ende der Gewalt in Tibet
"Mir bliebe nur der Rücktritt"
( :( )
Halbfinale des DFB-Pokals
Carl Zeiss Jena träumt vom Sieg über Borussia Dortmund
(Bayern lost to Cottbus... haha)
Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgericht
Presse darf auch den Promi-Alltag zeigen
(rightly so, i want puke of miss beazley sick with pregnancy. barney's puppy, that's for sure)
Warnstreiks im Einzelhandel
10.000 Beschäftigte streiken für mehr Lohn
really nice:
finally - how politics may change your sexdrive
my work
projects i am involved in
- karlotta. currently based in jerusalem
- quotation 1*
- finally - how politics may change your sexdrive
- after germany's next topmodel no3
- have i ever actually
- seems like one new bollywoodstar is rising :)
- bande a part - or do your choreography for the sak...
- germany's next topmodel no2 with ruc
- nothing in particular
- where did the wild days go?
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