
karlotta. currently based in jerusalem

Posted: Saturday, 29 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , 0 comments

i have spent the last week in israel and saw a lot of things. what i saw can be found here.
what i felt is another story. i am irritated, excited, curious ... incredulous. i like it a lot :)

more later on.

quotation 1*

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: 0 comments

seriously, it's just depressing. ... i've done so much. and accomplished so little. ... it's a little ridiculous. but. i don't know how to deal with it. i talked so fast that i exhausted my heart.

how i can relate to you, graham.

finally - how politics may change your sexdrive

Posted: Tuesday, 18 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , 0 comments

it has happened. you can now never again say that no one placed political ads in phonesexy situations.
please submit a script if you feel like i should audition (there is still this job opportunity i so long to have) and i promise i will be just as good as these two. or even more kinky. how does that sound?

MATURE content following. i am serious.


for obamaists

for the clintonists amongst us


well, the world is a wild place at the moment. don't know where to start. but i really feel that today's news are truly exciting.

Merkel hält historische Rede vor der Knesset
"Die Sicherheit Israels ist nie verhandelbar"
(first fi-li, then angie, then me)

Analyse zum Israel-Besuch von Kanzlerin Merkel
"Eine neue Qualität der Beziehungen"

Auswirkungen der Finanzkrise
US-Notenbank senkt erneut den Leitzins

Interview mit Ifo-Chef Hans-Werner Sinn
"Es muss eine strengere Bankenaufsicht her"
(i would always argue for a strict non-interfering-policy)

Koalitionsverhandlungen in Hamburg
Arbeitsgruppen sollen schwarz-grüne Streitthemen lösen

Arbeitsminister Scholz will BGB ändern
Praktikanten sollen besser geschützt werden
(very likely not going to happen)

Dalai Lama fordert Ende der Gewalt in Tibet
"Mir bliebe nur der Rücktritt"
( :( )

Halbfinale des DFB-Pokals
Carl Zeiss Jena träumt vom Sieg über Borussia Dortmund
(Bayern lost to Cottbus... haha)

Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgericht
Presse darf auch den Promi-Alltag zeigen
(rightly so, i want puke of miss beazley sick with pregnancy. barney's puppy, that's for sure)

Warnstreiks im Einzelhandel
10.000 Beschäftigte streiken für mehr Lohn

really nice:

after germany's next topmodel no3

Posted: Saturday, 15 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , , , , 0 comments

firstly, let me thank my audience for being so supportive. thank you. thank you. i would never have guessed to receive an award because of being able to predict professional modeling choices. right. thank you. see, i told you (with ruc) that vanessa is special. well, we'll see. i am getting more interested in jennifer, whereas raquel loses some points for me.
and because the world is such a terrrible place and i lack sleep and food at this specific moment in time:



personal braindamage from earlier post turned out to be miss penthouse. she is now a naked braindamage which is no professional education i would not consider. why not, it could just be having a great time.

it was funny to talk to colleagues from university about gnt.


hackfresse and kotzbrocken are two ethymologically highly interesting and appropriate topics for this blog. this is why i wrote this last sentence.


so, homi k. bhaba was in berlin. at the re-imagining asia exhibition in the haus der kulturen der welt and he gave a keynote on "global memory. on barbaric transmission". his lecture was inspiring and at times truly engaging. and i think that his stressing the "past that is not going to die and a future that will not wait to be born" are a kind of nice way to characterize the human condition and the responsibilities that face each and everyone of us.


spent two hours talking about one painting of yl with yl.


second gig with marwell was marwellous. there were sk, fs, c?, fj, ruc, sf, cm, yl, nb. i liked that a lot :) thank you for coming. hang out afterwards with future management in freizeitheim and june in prenzlauer berg.


recently on myspace i found out that the roosters are now stalin vs. band. hh is looking his usual naughty standards which brings me to this:


am now about to have another slice of bread and envy organic food of present flatmates. later mini-break in saxony. suddenly feel like screengoddess in manner of grace kelly, though ever so slightly less elegant under pressure (which, basically is as nice a quotation as "i used to wanna change the world, now i just wanna leave the room with a little dignity (adorable justin bond in SHORTBUS - amazing. found my future occupation. am not about to tell which one - but give it a guess)). and - a mini-break is not just shagging. a mini-break means true love. looking forward to round belly, whiteish hair, otto and riverside, although it is just too little time.


have i ever actually

Posted: Monday, 10 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: 0 comments

declared my undying love for katie sketch?
yeah, no.
well - i love her!

and she has this new project - the mermaids - after the organ's end and this is say you're alive recorded during the seemingly unique performance in last october:

here we go, once again, for love love love by the organ:

seems like one new bollywoodstar is rising :)

Posted: | Posted by k | Labels: 0 comments

please enlarge for further details, especially for this first pic.

obviously, every vid is available through schwarzesnossen's channel on youtube.

bande a part - or do your choreography for the sake of dancing with me

Posted: Sunday, 9 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: 0 comments

let's dance little stranger
show me secret sins
love can be like bondage
seduce me once again

burning like an angel
who has heaven in reprieve
burning like the voodoo man
with devils on his sleeve

won't you dance with me
in my world of fantasy
won't you dance with me
ritual fertility

like an apparition
you don't seem real at all
like a premonition
of curses on my soul

the way I want to love you
well it could be against the law
i've seen you in a thousand minds
you've made the angels fall

won't you dance with me
in my world of fantasy
won't you dance with me
ritual fertility

come on little stranger
there's only one last dance
soon the music's over
let's give it one more chance

won't you dance with me
in my world of fantasy
won't you dance with me
ritual fertility

take a chance with me
in my world of fantasy
won't you dance with me
ritual fertility

germany's next topmodel no2 with ruc

Posted: Saturday, 8 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , , 2 comments

after a hilarious annual conference on staging festivity sponsored by her ministery in which i absolutely adored achatz von müller and where yet two other mythical wor(l)d inventions - 'djiddyraven' (me and ruc) and 'agender2010' (ruc and fj) - took place, we (that is ruc and me, now based in an unknown quantity of liquid (slightly alcoholic or(?!?!) somehow bukkake-connected (see below)) watched germany's next topmodel in the huge lecture hall until we were chased away by this immensly muscled security guard in one sexy uniform.

now, to the important facts:

professional favorites (if we were peymann)



personal favorites (betthäschen)



(bianca, sorry, we forgot her, but she usually turns up and you would not let her go, would you?)

hate O/Abjects


sabine-marie (berlin breakdancestar fuck off mothafucca - aber zum glück raus)
carolin (bukkake??? see below or - leave her be, she's just another human being, it is really not fair to be hateful towards her! consider justice and misogyny, please. well, she's really bashable. (i learned another nice combination of words - foucault-bashing - which i would never do for the most apparent reasons))

personal (and everbody's) entertainment

gina-lisa (personal pornprollqueen with likely potential: short black hair and shutting up and less make-up --> visit boris and redirect him to me afterwards)
sarah (for cinderella's sake ---> she was such an ugly ugly, like, REALLY UGLY child, you know)

personal braindamage

"wie heest die? die mit der heidi-klum-frisur" (the one with the heidiklumhaircut who is not heidi klum, whereas heidi herself could be on that list for personal braindamage. the hebrew word "klum" means "nothing") - aka aline aka "ich bin mit 4,1 durchs abitur gefallen, aber habs im oralen rausgerissen"




asian bukkake machine - only watch when absolutely sure you're sure. that's for the true men amongst us.

isn't that just juicy??

and, incidentally, there is this major thing happening here on bollywoodsargam that linked one schwarzesnossen vid - i am thrilled that we are one featured video.


nothing in particular

Posted: Thursday, 6 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , 0 comments

yesterday i did my first show with marwell in lovely schokoladen. i liked it. guessingly it has been some 4 or 5 years since i last was playing a concert. lovely venue, somehow. i will go and see machine est mon coeur there next time they have the lo-fi lounge which is on the 19th march. this tiny stage with walls full of roses. red ones as such. it's great.
too tired to think of anything else in particular. i wonder whether or not i want to sing in the tipi. and if i want to call somebody who could make that possible.
eh has some pictures of his vacation in jordan that make me want to go there, too. perhaps i will, who knows.
don't know much more.

where did the wild days go?

Posted: Sunday, 2 March 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: 0 comments

where did the wild days go?
were they leaving by train?
by hitchhiking?
were are they now?
and where am i?
now when they're gone.
where have i left me?

will i be back?
once the wild days are?