
the tragedies of late june

Posted: Friday, 26 June 2009 | Posted by k | Labels: , ,

- a wine that is incredibly good but not appreciated.
- the lack of interest for the weather with politically concerned individuals of my acquaintance
- the incapability of last.fm and my ipod to scrobble my playlists. which in fact means 200 turns less of patrick wolf's "the bachelor" than i actually listened to.
- billionaires that are impolite
- drunkards that are impolite
- billionaires and drunkards in the same place and hardly different in a crowd of impoliteness.
- the politically concerned hazard of a digital bohème that suddenly lives in tehran and is all green.
- the death of kings and angels. and seeing how many people suddenly are religious monarchists whilst not saying that this is not a good thing under the circumstances.

and a fairytale. just for you.

märchen eins

may 25th 2009