
exciting facts and figures

Posted: Friday, 6 March 2009 | Posted by k | Labels:

i will list the last weeks' highlights.

number of goodbyes: 23
number of drinks on the occasions: too many
number of cigarettes on the occasion: far too many. but that does not mean i am not still a non-smoker as certain actions require certain measures.
number of job-offers: 5
number of films i saw: i'll try and list them later
number of episodes of mad men: 18
number of episodes of germany's next topmodel: 3
number of people that were at alfredo's dinner: 10
number of 3 portuguese people who could sing their national anthem: 3
number of 2 french-canadian people who could sing their national anthem: 2
number of 3 german people who could sing their national anthem: 0
number of 1 dutch person who could sing their national anthem: 1/2
number of chicken i cooked: 1
number of hearts i did hopefully not break: 2
number of moments i wish i would have kissed somebody: 7
number of times the words zizek and fuck appeared in the same sexually connotated sentence: 3

number of numbing numbers so far: 16 or 77 1/2
number of those numbers that were actually not numbing but nice: 43

43 nice things. great.