
unveiled and feeding the hungry leopard

Posted: Thursday, 26 March 2009 | Posted by k | Labels: , , , 0 comments

kader attia's ghost

sun yuan's and peng yu's old persons home

after a little vacation in sunny london and cambridge i am back here and find myself facing the fact of having lost a majority of my intellectual property (...). anyhow, england was gorgeous, clearly demonstrated by the display of yet another fabulous levi's ad (see below) that (partly) did not make it to berlin (as of yet) and the (see above) unveiled exhibition in saatchi gallery in their fancyful building near sloane square.

basically, i was relaxing, enjoying the lovely weather, meeting nice people, catching up with old friends, reading - holidays in a very nice sense of the word! as i did in the picture below in hammersmith with luci, audrey and adrian after a long and beautiful walk through richmond, kew and chiswick. actually walking was what i did a lot, also in regent's park, in the docklands, battersea park, mayfair and beloved soho.

exciting facts and figures

Posted: Friday, 6 March 2009 | Posted by k | Labels: 0 comments

i will list the last weeks' highlights.

number of goodbyes: 23
number of drinks on the occasions: too many
number of cigarettes on the occasion: far too many. but that does not mean i am not still a non-smoker as certain actions require certain measures.
number of job-offers: 5
number of films i saw: i'll try and list them later
number of episodes of mad men: 18
number of episodes of germany's next topmodel: 3
number of people that were at alfredo's dinner: 10
number of 3 portuguese people who could sing their national anthem: 3
number of 2 french-canadian people who could sing their national anthem: 2
number of 3 german people who could sing their national anthem: 0
number of 1 dutch person who could sing their national anthem: 1/2
number of chicken i cooked: 1
number of hearts i did hopefully not break: 2
number of moments i wish i would have kissed somebody: 7
number of times the words zizek and fuck appeared in the same sexually connotated sentence: 3

number of numbing numbers so far: 16 or 77 1/2
number of those numbers that were actually not numbing but nice: 43

43 nice things. great.