Posted: Sunday, 4 January 2009 | Posted by k | Labels:

what began a drizzle leaves me bloody drenched now. i rather went to where there was only sun. i rather went to where there was no "i told you to", i rather went to where i wasn't going before. i never was on mars. no fools. no sailing. i could just go there. sail there. but there, unmistakably, is drenching rain. can i be on mars drenched? can i go to beauty shattered as i feel? never did this writing feel further away. i need to leave the drizzle.

you're totally beating up the wrong guy if you think that i have bad intentions. obviously.


  1. Anonymous said...
  2. just leaving a trace. and i thought you liked the rain.

  3. k said...
  4. i do like the rain. that is the problem.

    thanks for the trace.

  5. Anonymous said...
  6. "As I lie, murdered in ground/ The rain compacting sodden sound/ Of songs I sang the years before/ When it was time to rain/ Upon the coal that I became."

  7. k said...
  8. oh i am so looking forward to the new record ...

    coal indeed