

Posted: Saturday, 13 September 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: ,

i am very busy and important. and do write. and read. and! i did finish lost and i really loved it.

besides that many other things.

went to market on maybachufer the other day and liked that a lot. it's such a lively atmosphere and reminded me of the shuk in jerusalem.

additionally, i am thinking about a little trip to london later that year :) oh, i am such an addict. and to so many things. will it ever stop?

autumn's around the corner and it's going to be beautiful. all that decay.

well, i know, i better be off. so, take care.

ah, i figure i won't have too many of those videos left to do but i came to think that if maybe there are some burning questions or additions on your part, why don't you get in touch and we'll figure out how to deal with that. thank you anyways for the time you have spent helping me out and your thoughtful comments both on- and offline.