
know hope

Posted: Thursday, 17 July 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: ,

i guess we all have our likings right. our little favourites. our maybe obsessions if it is really very bad (or good).
well, streetart is something i know very little of but it fascinates me a lot and i do very much like it. some of the most interesting things i ever saw were maybe the stencils and pieces in israel, especially at the border in bethlehem.
banksy did a lot of stuff there. and know hope from whom the following was done in l.a. but who comes from israel has such a lovely style. the background of that piece shows the project face to face where one israeli and a palestine are both making funy faces and more or less clash their cultures' conflicts, maybe.

the profile this is limbo at flickr shows a wide selection of know hope's work.

face 2 face:

banksy is so well reputed that his works sometimes are actually carved out of their quite well chosen places and are hung into galleries.

well, enjoy :)