
Buch / Care

Posted: Wednesday, 16 February 2011 | Posted by k | Labels: , 0 comments

nobody will know II
February 16th 2011

Through a gate I entered a park and looked at a statue. I asked a woman with strongly painted eyebrows and a light brown jacket (matching the colour of her dog's hair) if there was another exit, back to the train, she said there was not, I could only walk a circle and get back there, but would I not better be afraid as there was this man and he was watching me the whole time - I hadn't realized that this was the case - I said maybe I was not afraid and would have a look and thank you very much.

Ducks stood on melting ice. A lot of bridges. And leaves on the ground. The trees had names pinned into their skin. White paper. Sans Serif Italics. Little brook was wild.

No man came.

The woman, ten minutes later, outside the park, did not react to my smile of recognition. But she really cared. She was wearing a jacket matching the colour of her dog's hair.

That is care.

Safe train back. Until one tree fell on the rails. That was way inside.

Void III

Posted: Friday, 11 February 2011 | Posted by k | Labels: , 0 comments

Bear me a child
Bury your hand
deep in the mild
cleft of my sand

Sing of a sun
of dark shadows' age
of moving undone
of birds in a cage

Of wings close and
spread around a face
like a hand
circling a place

Bear me a child
your soul's gentle hand
I shall hold. Your wild
song it will free your land

Void I
January 3rd 2011

Void II
January 3rd 2011


Posted: Thursday, 10 February 2011 | Posted by k | 0 comments