

Posted: Friday, 31 October 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , 0 comments

dear bachelorette-commenters. that is for your sake. i am now relieved and graded. major thank you to all of you who commented on- and offline and really helped :) i owe you!

besides that - excitement and cold

when i was a child i bred a whore in my heart - pt.2

Posted: Monday, 27 October 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: 1 comments

soap&skin at sophiensaele: in fact it was at this exact line she stopped and then restarted singing because i don't know, she seemed to have forgotten the lyrics or elsewhat.

When I was a child
I bred a whore in my heart
a stillborn child
I've gasp for ..
the devil into my spiracle

I was a child, I was a child
I am a child

impression: sad and fragile and shy and morbid and adorable.

i was half way between not wanting to clap at all and clapping frantically. really beautiful, especially "spiracle" and "janitor of lunacy". it seemed like such a rare gift, very translucent and etheral in a way, as if she herself was the constant reminder of her own death. so sad, seriously, touching and just unbearably sad, because i would not dare, like let's say go and cuddle her, but it's rather that feeling of not being able to move because you fear you will destroy everything.

she seemed very withdrawn and lost like a somebody who struggles and runs through walls and walls and doesn't realize that they're bleeding like mad.

reminded me of patrick wolf, strangely enough, of múm, of yann tiersen, a little björk, coco rosie (especially when she fumbled around with her laptop for some eerie electro sounds), well and, seriously, there was some nico.

when i was a child i bred a whore in my heart

Posted: Tuesday, 21 October 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: 0 comments

so looking forward to seeing her next monday in sophiensaele ...

today today

Posted: | Posted by k | Labels: , , , 4 comments

yes, today is the day i will quit smoking again :) so, pretty please, pressure from all sides ... bear/bare with me should i find it unbearably hard and fail (oh, that is naughty, maybe i should fail). well, i'll have sweetie darling to smoke for me, looking quite a lot more exciting doing it than i ever could anyways ...

as for the many other overwhelmingly exciting things happening, it's too many of them, i can't tell.

my washing powder got stuck in the slot. if that is interesting.

i was on the phone with one lady right now who told me i am supposed to have technicians around today, although that was never scheduled. how lovely. they're doing the buzzer.

saw striptease with nico. she was gorgeous and serge did a wonderful soundtrack to it. a. was all melting next to me and is now about to learn how she moves for that one dance at the end ...

since i recorded the ghosts of the reading i did with the last books here are the latest:
the world according to garp oh, i liked it, i guess. although it has this wooden quality of language a lot of times and seemed very 'easy'. interesting for me whom i love to pick quotes or underline things for later reference, i was only at rare points able to do that with garp. i rather think it is a certain atmosphere transported or story told, in simplicity and with no big fondling around with language, which i realize, is also just another way of using language, and it definitely fit. so maybe actually i am not really thrilled. but at least, after two trials on the irving-front i finished one and hadn't stopped reading after 50 pages. well well.
and i did something very enjoyable which was getting anne of green gables, thanks to j., and hach, isn't it just lovely to see such a melodramatic, tragic child? i love it and started the second novel ... reminds me ever so much of nesthäkchen and trotzkopf and makes me wonder whether i should not be a little too old for it ... well, but there is the arden hamelt waiting on my shelf and still some light reading aka proust which i think will be a splendid winter-read.
i also to the second third read in watermelon sugar by richard brautigan :)

wow, a lot.

i am also thrilled about the fact that i need to proofread texts and that there is material for seminars about to fill my head with fresh ideas.

re the filling. i added the literature part after 5 hours or so. i feel that my head wants to smoke. but i won't give in and allow myself 3 days of giving in to other temptations like chocolate. and i will go and have a walk. now that i missed the one seminar i am actually interested in because of waiting for the technician who, once here, only told me that it was a problem with the whole house and that there would be another date scheduled. grrrr.

when it doesn't need to be live unbuttoned

Posted: Tuesday, 7 October 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , , , 0 comments

sure gorgeous advertising :)

also: visit margins to find out more about our current call for papers on paradiesische zustände. we're looking for student presentations ranging from lectures to installation to art to whatever kind of format you're feeling comfortable with when you're presenting your thoughts on paradise or hell or things that spring to your mind when you hear paradise.

nothing much.

still exhausted.

my initials go fine with knackered fuckwit

Posted: Friday, 3 October 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: , 0 comments

life is lovely.
and so ironic.

i need another world - this one's nearly gone ...

Posted: Wednesday, 1 October 2008 | Posted by k | Labels: 0 comments

i need another place / will there be peace? / i need another world / this one’s nearly gone / still have so many dreams ...

i must have seen too much skin / much more than i needed to win / and much more than i wanted to dream